Accessible Eliot
Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service
Look, look, master, here
comes two religious caterpillars.
The sapient sutlers of the Lord
Drift across the window-panes.
In the beginning was the Word.
In the beginning was the Word.
And at the mensual turn of time
A painter of the Umbrian school
Designed upon a gesso ground
The nimbus of the Baptized God.
The wilderness is cracked and browned
But through the water pale and thin
Still shine the unoffending feet
And there above the painter set
. . . . . .
The avenue of penitence;
The young are red and pustular
Under the penitential gates
Where the souls of the devout
Along the garden-wall the bees
With hairy bellies pass between
Blest office of the epicene.
Sweeney shifts from ham to ham
Stirring the water in his bath.
The masters of the subtle schools
Are controversial, polymath.